
#StopISIS #LoveIsInTheAir

Posted on April 30, 2015 by Posh Public

Few people understand or have seen the persecution of Christians in the Middle East like Canon Andrew White, who has been in the eye of the storm....

The Reverend Canon Andrew White, Hon PhD DD Hon. University of Toronto 2014 is vicar of St George's Church, Baghdad, the only Anglican church in Iraq. He has thus been dubbed the "Vicar of Baghdad". He is also President of the Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East. He was previously Director of International Ministry at the International Centre for Reconciliation at Coventry Cathedral, England. At the age of 33 years he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, a condition which for many years affected his mobility and his speech. He has had as many as 35 Iraqibodyguards.  Please read more about his stories, please visit the link here: http://frrme.org/what-we-do/canon-andrew-white/

We look at this beyond religion and politics.  We look at this as an equal human rights issue.  Every human-being deserve the right to choose what they believe in.

We'll donate 10% of the sales of the #StopISIS #LoveIsInTheAir campaign to The Foundation for Relief and Reconciliation in the Middle East to support the foundation and continued efforts needed in the area. Click here to purchase!

Here's an excerpt from a recent and revealing interview with the man known as the "Vicar of Baghdad."
